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My True Portion - all that I need

Guys, I LOVE FOOD, but I have a problem... I often I love it so much that it stops being about satiation and turns into something for when I am bored, or sad, or tired, or anxious.

I had a little revelation the other day. As I was reading in Lamentations, I came across a word that I have been conscious about quite a bit lately: PORTION.

I have these cute little containers that I portion my meals into, and even though these containers are supposed to be enough, sometimes I still feel hungry and unfed. This is often because I did not make the best choices with what I put in them (or added some cake, etc.)....

When I try to find my portion in a place other than God (food, people, work), I feel unfed, undernourished and unsatisfied. I struggle most with trying to find my portion and fulfillment in food rather than seeking comfort in the One who cherishes and loves me so unconditionally!

"The Lord is my portion' says my soul, 'therefore I will hope in Him." Lamentations 3:24

My prayer tonight:

God, you are my true portion! The one who will truly fill me up and make me whole again amidst my broken mess! Lord, in the coming days, when I attempt to turn to things other than you as my portion—to satisfy, fulfill and satiate me—let me remember that you are my TRUE PORTION! ALL THAT I NEED! When I go to eat, help me to ask myself:

1) am I honoring and worshipping you with this choice?

2) am I fueling your temple the right way?

3) am I looking to this food for my portion, fulfillment and satiation, rather than looking to you?

My portion is found in You alone. Let this truth echo constantly in my mind and heart tomorrow and every day after that. Today I CHOOSE to find my portion in you! Thank you for this sweet reminder and for your grace in my many ugly mistakes. Thank you for your patience and unconditional love for me. You rock Jesus! AMEN!!!

I will get back to you ASAP!

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