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do I have an idol?

Exodus 32 talks about the people of Israel taking their gold rings and earrings and melting them into a golden calf idol while their leader Moses is up on Mount Sinai meeting with God. My initial thought was "Wow, they're pretty dumb. God is literally up on a nearby mountain with Moses and these people are making false idols to worship instead?!" But then I began to realize that the people of Israel are an exact reflection of me.

So I had to ask myself, "Kate, what is your golden calf? What are you putting before God?" A few I came up with were: 1) how I look 2) what I eat 3) my relationships

These things are not necessarily bad! It is important to care for my body and stay connected with people! But when other stuff become more important than time spent with God, that is when they can become unhealthy. So examine yourself this morning. Ask yourself, "What is my golden calf?" Be honest with yourself and admit your idol to God. Identify, confess, and ask God to take back his rightful place in your life. He is waiting patiently to reclaim your heart!

I will get back to you ASAP!

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