Just one of those days...
Today was just one of those days... It started off well; I got out of bed after only one "snooze", hit the gym and went for a run with my buddy @missmeghanmalloy and took care of the horsey. I was feeling GOOD, and then suddenly I wasn't...
I was late to my biology class because I got lost, and so I missed the first few test questions and got a bad grade. Immediately, my esteem was crushed, my anger activated, and all forms of negativity beat heavily on my heart: "You are not healthy enough to lead others in health", "You are not smart enough to understand biology", "You are not motivated enough to get things done", "You are not strong enough or focussed enough to achieve your goals", "You can't do this, not any of it".
I let the lies of the Enemy sink in deep until I believed every one of them. I fell into a slump for the next few hours and longed to eat ice cream and watch Netflix. I complained to my mom and my roommate and almost gave in to numbing myself with sugar and mindless tv shows. I even went so far as to look up what shows I could watch...
But today, for the first time in months, I chose to identify those negative thoughts as LIES, and to seek out my true identity in what God says about me instead. Here is what I found (with the help of @courtneyduinker)
-"Child of God" (1 John 3:1-2) -"Knit together" by God for a reason (Psalm 139:13) -"Fearfully and wonderfully made" (Psalm 139:14) -God's "special possession" and "Beloved" (1 Peter 2:9 and 2:11) -He has a plan for me and my future (Jeremiah 29:11)
Wow... THANK YOU GOD for your goodness. You affirm me and uphold my in every way!! I won't always choose God. Most times I will take the easy way out: distraction. But I am working on choosing God over temporary relief, because only he can truly conquer the lies that are whispered to me. Choose HIM today and every day! You won't regret it!!